Barton Breaks it Down: Conversation with Todd Moore, Vice President of Safety for Consol Energy
Conversation with Todd Moore, Vice President of Safety for Consol Energy.
Conversation with Todd Moore, Vice President of Safety for Consol Energy.
PA State Rep. Jamie Barton responds to the governor's proposal
The House Policy Committee hosted another unparalleled hearing. We listened to testifiers and discussed rising energy costs and alleviating the burden for Pennsylvania families and businesses.
House members got an early jump on the upcoming budget as they took part in a roundtable discussion about the state’s finances this week with Matthew Knittel, executive director of the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). In the coming months, the House Appropriations Committee will be tasked with creating a fair annual state budget that respects taxpayers.
Did you know mushroom farming is HUGE in Berks County? I spoke with the Mushroom Farmers of PA at the Pennsylvania Farm Show and learned all about different types of mushrooms and this successful agribusiness.
I had a wonderful time getting to know Olivia Lesher of Bernville, our outstanding farm show scholarship recipient from Berks County.
Thank you, District 124. Such an emotional day - words cannot begin to describe the honor I feel to be your state representative.
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