Barton Appointed to Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Impact and Infrastructure

February 21, 2025

HARRISBURG - Rep. Jamie Barton (R-Berks/Schuylkill) announced today he’s been appointed to serve as a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Impact and Infrastructure. As the legislative session progresses, Appropriations Committee members are tasked with analyzing legislation through the lens of their respective subcommittees.

“I’m honored to have been chosen to serve as a member of the House Appropriations Committee in the first place, and I’m really looking forward to my place on this important subcommittee,” Barton said. “Looking at the economic impact of legislation is vital, and I’m humbled that our Leadership has trusted me with this important job.”

The House Appropriations Committee is currently conducting budget hearings with several state agencies and other organizations that receive state funding. Budget hearings stream live at For a full schedule of hearings, click here.

Rep. Jamie Barton
124th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /

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