Argall, Barton: $1.27 Million Awarded for Improvement Projects in 124th District

November 8, 2024

TAMAQUA – Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) and Rep. Jamie Barton (R-124) announced $1.27 million in state funding has been awarded for improvement projects in the 124th Legislative District. The funding is being awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).

The following organizations have been awarded RACP grants:
• Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital – $520,000 to expand the operating room, allowing the hospital to add additional specialties.
• Schuylkill Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) – $750,000 to construct a building shell on the TIDE pad-ready site.

“This grant program was created to help organizations make improvements that, in turn, improve the lives of Pennsylvanians,” Barton said. “Both of these organizations plan to put these dollars to good use. Between the potential for job creation at SEDCO and the expansion of health services at Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital, this funding can go a long way to making the 124th Legislative District an even better place to live and work.”

“By funding these projects, we’re helping local businesses create new, family-sustaining jobs and continuing the economic resurgence of our area,” said Argall.

The RACP is a Commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the design, acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement projects.

CONTACT: Jim Brugger (Argall)
Jake Gillespie (Barton)

Rep. Jamie Barton
124th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /

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