Barton Amendment to Increase Campaign Finance Transparency Approved

April 16, 2024

HARRISBURG - Rep. Jamie Barton (R-Berks/Schuylkill) announced today a House bill requiring candidates for the General Assembly to file a sixth Tuesday pre-election campaign expense report, which includes an amendment from Barton, has passed the House. Barton’s amendment, which passed unanimously, would increase campaign finance transparency by requiring campaigns and campaign organization to itemize reimbursements on campaign finance reports.

“Political donors give their hard-earned money to campaigns for all sorts of reasons,” Barton said. “But no matter what that reason may be, they deserve to know how their money is being used. My amendment will bring campaign finance reimbursements out of the shadows and make them more transparent to Pennsylvania voters.”

Currently, Pennsylvania’s campaign finance law only requires campaign finance reports to list an expense as a reimbursement, without the need to itemize the nature of the reimbursement on the public report.

House Bill 1220 now heads to the Senate for consideration.

Rep. Jamie Barton
124th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
717.772.9834 /

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